Calendar elections of staff representatives

Calendar elections
The “The Labor and Mines Inspectorate”(“Inspection du Travail et des Mines”) has published the schedule for the elections of staff delegates which will take place on March 24, 2024.
A distinction is made between companies working from Monday to Friday or on a continuous system and companies working from Tuesday to Saturday.
All the dates are included in these 2 tables :
For companies working Monday to Friday :
Date |
Evènement |
Thursday February 1, 2024 (the 1st day of the month of the post announcing the elections) |
Date of calculation of the number of personnel used to establish the number of delegates to be elected. |
Friday February 9, 2024 (at least one month before the elections) |
Monday February 19, 2024 evening (3 weeks before election day) |
From Tuesday February 20, 2024 to Thursday February 22, 2024 (within 3 business days of filing) |
Deadline for presenting any complaints against the alphabetical lists to the business manager. |
Monday February 26, 2024 at 6 p.m. (15 calendar days before the opening of the poll) |
Wednesday March 6, 2024 (at the latest 4 working days before the vote) |
Registration via the electronic platform of valid applications specifying the surname, first name, profession, national registration number, nationality and gender of the candidates. |
In the event of an election with postal voting: Friday March 1, 2024 - (10 days before the vote/see order) |
In the event of elections without postal voting: Thursday March 7, 2024 - (the last 3 working days preceding the vote) Display of applications in the company from Thursday March 7 until Monday March 11, 2024. In the event of voting extending over several days, in particular between March 10 and 12, 2024, the display of candidates must be brought forward accordingly. The closing and counting of the ballots must take place on March 12, 2024. |
Tuesday March 12, 2024 – election day |
From Wednesday March 13 to Friday March 15, 2024 (during the 3 consecutive days of voting) |
Display, by the company manager, of the list of elected delegates (effective and alternates). |
From Saturday March 16 to Tuesday April 2, 2024 (within 15 days following the last day of posting the result) |
Period for the communication, by registered letter addressed to the director of the LMI, of disputes relating to the elections and the correctness of electoral operations. |
From Wednesday April 3, 2024 (not before the expiration of the period of 15 days following the last day of display of the result) |
The constitution of the delegation cannot take place before Wednesday April 3, 2024 and, in the event of dispute, before the decision of the director of the LMI. |
No later than Friday April 12, 2024 (within the month following election day) |
Convocation of the constituent meeting of the delegation by the employee who obtained the biggest number of votes during the voting. In the absence of elections (in the event of an ex officio election), the constituent meeting will be convened, under the same conditions, by the oldest delegate. |
Within 3 days following the constituent meeting |
Written communication by the president of the delegation to the head of the company of the names, first names and national numbers of the president, vice-president, secretary, equality delegate, security and health delegate as well as members of the delegation. |
Within 5 days following the constituent meeting |
A report of the constituent meeting specifying the designation of the polling station, the election of the president, vice-president, secretary, office, equality delegate, security and health delegate as well as that the implementation of article L.415-5 of the Labor Code will be transmitted to the company manager and the LMI. |
Within 5 days following communication to the company manager of the delegates' functions |
The company manager communicates to the LMI via the electronic platform the names, first names and national registration numbers (matricules) of the president, vice-president, secretary, equality delegate, security and health delegate as well as members of the delegation. |
For companies working from Tuesday to Saturday :
Thursday February 1, 2024 (the 1st day of the month of the poster announcing the elections) |
Date of calculation of the number of personnel used to establish the number of delegates to be elected. |
Saturday February 10, 2024 (at least one month before the elections) |
Saturday February 17, 2024 evening (3 weeks before election day) |
From Tuesday February 20 to Thursday February 22, 2024 (within 3 business days of submission of the lists) |
Deadline for presenting any complaints against the alphabetical lists to the business manager. |
Monday February 26, 2024 at 6 p.m. (15 calendar days before the opening of the poll) |
Deadline date and time for submitting applications. In the event of an absence or insufficient number of candidates, extension of the deadline for submitting of applications by 3 days until Thursday February 29, 2024 at 6 p.m. If the election is carried out according to the system of proportional representation, deadline for requesting of an order number from the director of the LMI. |
Wednesday March 6, 2024 (at the latest 4 working days before the vote) |
Registration via the electronic platform of valid applications specifying the surname, first name, profession, national registration number, nationality and gender of the candidates. |
Registration via the electronic platform of valid applications specifying the surname, first name, profession, national registration number, nationality and gender of the candidates. |
In the event of elections without postal voting: Thursday March 7, 2024 - (the last 3 working days preceding the vote) |
Display of applications in the company from Thursday March 7 until Saturday March 9, 2024. In the event of voting extending over several days, in particular between March 10 and 12, 2019, the display of candidates must be brought forward accordingly. The closing and counting of the ballots must take place on March 12, 2024. |
Tuesday March 12, 2024 – election day |
Establishing of the polling station Opening of the poll at the time fixed in the notice announcing the elections Voting Closing of the poll at the time set in the notice announcing the elections Counting of the ballots (immediately after the closing of the polls) Establishment of a report of electoral operations via the electronic platform Communication of the minutes to the LMI via the electronic platform |
From Wednesday March 13 to Friday March 15, 2024 (during the 3 consecutive days of voting) |
Display, by the company manager, of the list of elected delegates (effective and alternates). |
From Saturday March 16 to Saturday March 30, 2024 (within 15 days following the last day of posting the result) |
Period for the introduction, by registered letter addressed to the director of the LMI, of disputes relating to the elections and the correctness of electoral operations. |
From Tuesday April 2, 2024 (not before the expiration of the period of 15 days following the last day of display of the result) |
The constitution of the delegation cannot take place before Tuesday April 2, 2024 and, in the event of dispute, before the decision of the director of the LMI. |
No later than Friday April 12, 2024 (within the month following election day) |
Convocation of the constituent meeting of the delegation by the employee who obtained the biggest number of votes during the voting. In the absence of an election (in the event of an ex officio election), the constituent meeting will be convened, under the same conditions, by the oldest delegate. |
Within 3 days following the constituent meeting |
Written communication by the president of the delegation to the company manager of the names, first names and national registration numbers of the president, vice-president, secretary, equality delegate, security and health delegate as well as members of the delegation. |
Within 5 days following the constituent meeting |
A report of the constituent meeting specifying the designation of the polling station, the election of the president, vice-president, secretary, office, equality delegate, security and health delegate as well as that the implementation of article L.415-5 of the Labor Code will be transmitted to the company manager and the LMI. |
Within 5 days following communication to the company manager of the delegates' functions |
The company manager communicates to the LMI via the electronic platform the names, first names and national registration numbers of the president, vice-president, secretary, equality delegate, security and health delegate, as well as members of the delegation. |
Deadlines are extended until the first following working day, when the last day of the period is Sunday, a legal public holiday or a non-working day in the company.