Entry into force of a sectoral collective agreement for collective catering companies

New sectoral collective agreement for collective catering companies :
After 20 years of discussion and 3 years of negotiations, on April 11, 2024, FEDIL catering, the OGBL and the LCGB (LCGB (Luxembourg Christian Trade Union Confederation), l'OGBL (Independent Trade Union Confederation Luxembourg)) signed the first sectoral collective agreement relating to collective catering companies.
This collective agreement applies to all Luxembourg or foreign companies in the field of collective catering carrying out their activities in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
This concerns: collective catering licensed and covering all activities consisting of preparing and/or providing meals to people working and/or living in communities such as businesses, administrations, schools, nurseries, maison relay, universities, hospitals, care and/or retirement homes and any other organization, public or private, having to ensure the food of its nationals (as well as the ancillary services and management services relating thereto) , within the framework of a contract, an agreement or an award by call for tender concluded with the clients mentioned above.
This collective agreement applies to multi-skilled employees in collective catering, to production employees in collective catering and to management and support employees.
It is applicable to all people in an employment relationship, as well as those engaged under a reintegration internship contract, under an employment initiation contract or under an integration internship contract, practical experience on the territory of the Grand Duchy from Luxembourg.
Excluded from the application of the collective agreement:
- The trainees
- Students busy during school vacation periods
- Interns
- Senior managers for provisions relating to working conditions and salary
The collective agreement provides in particular:
- Linear salary increases:
• 0.8%/month from January 1, 2025 for all employees receiving a monthly salary between the minimum social salary for unqualified employees and the minimum social salary for qualified employees
• 0.7%/month from January 1, 2026 for all employees receiving a gross monthly salary between the minimum social salary for unqualified employees and the minimum social salary for qualified employees
- It is also provided that salaries falling between the minimum social salary for unskilled employees and the minimum social salary for qualified employees are also adapted during an adjustment of the minimum social wage for unskilled employees adoptedby the Luxembourg government. During such an adjustment, the salaries lying between the minimum social salary for unskilled employees and the minimum social salary for qualified employees are adapted as follows: the difference between the salary received before the adjustment of the minimum social salary for unskilled employees and the old minimum social salary for unskilled employees is added to the new amount of the minimum social salary for unskilled employees.
- “seniority leave”: in addition to the 26 legal working days, an additional day of leave is granted to employees with ten years of continuous service.
- The company can provide an annual reference period of work for employees employed in structures impacted by school holidays in Luxembourg. The decision to provide for an annual reference period of work is taken by mutual agreement between the company and the staff delegation.
- Free meals: the company is obliged to offer a free meal during the working day to all employees in the catering sector provided that :
• The employee's work schedule coincides with the start of the lunch break taken in the restaurant and;
• Said employees are employed in a restaurant/kitchen
This free service is offered upon entry into service of the employee.
- Concerning work on Sunday, the employee is entitled for each hour worked on Sunday to his normal salary increased by 70%. Work is considered to be from Sunday 00:00 until Sunday 24:00. Each employee is entitled to at least 1 (one) Sunday off per month.
- Legal public holidays are paid in accordance with articles L.232-6 and the Labor Code. The employee is entitled to his normal salary increased by 100% for each hour worked on a legal public holiday. Work carried out during the period beginning at 00:00 until 24:00 is considered work on a legal public holiday.
- In the event of a business transfer, in terms of contract transfer, following an award or the client's decision, the obligation to transfer the employment contract is applicable while respecting several principles listed in article 11 of the convention.