Luxembourg Labor Law: New Provisions in Force

Luxembourg Labor Law: New Provisions in Force
A new he law of July 24, 2024, transposing an European directive, was published On July 31, 2024. This law strengthens employer’s obligations to provide certain type of information to employees, the public sector as well.
Here are the key points to note:
- Mandatory Information: The required information included in an employment contract has been expanded. Employees now may use binding measures to request a mandatory information as set forth by the law.
- Part-time Employees: In the absence of a clear information on the duration and the amount of working hours, the contract may be reclassified as a full-time contract.
- Transition from Fixed-term to Permanent Contracts and Work Time Modification: Under certain conditions, Employees can request a transition from a fixed-term contract (CDD) to a permanent contract (CDI) or from a part-time to a full-time (and vice versa). Any refusal must be justified by the Employers.
- Fixed-term Contract Probation Period: The duration of the probation period is now strictly regulated, with a minimum of two weeks and a maximum set at one-quarter of the total contract duration.
- Training: A Mandatory training must be provided free of charge and considered as working hours
- Exclusivity Clauses: Clauses preventing an employee from taking up another job outside their working hours are null and void, except in some circumstances as justified by the law.
Employers must ensure strict compliance with these new provisions, bearing in mind that any violations may result in penalties, including fines.